Everything on earth generates a type of frequency. Our brain receives and transmits these frequencies, like a radio. Human beings are in a continuous energy exchange with everything on earth. These energy types are coded to our bodies and echoed in universe in return. There is a constant interaction between the body and the universe.
Theta is one of the five main frequency brain waves. It is the first phase of dreaming and it is also the most effective stage for knowledge perception. Theta is the brain wave that we use to create.
ThetaHealing® is a spiritual, physical and emotional meditation technique that was founded by Vianna Stibal. It provides us with finding positive and/or negative obstructions that we inherit genetically from our ancestors, that we experience in life, and that we receive through feelings. This technique allows us to reprogram our brain to the present “MOMENT”.
ThetaHealing® is a series of positive affirmations succeeded by using the power of words and thoughts. The individual is in the theta brain state with his/her free will. He/she is conscious during the session observing his/her own healing process.
Everybody has right to know that shaping an ideal life that is desired from the bottom of the heart and longed for a while is possible and attainable. I would like you to reach a point of self-awareness and overcome indescribable obstructions in your life. For this reason, I would like to be your path finder and show you how to plan and manage life. It is not impossible to find out your inner beauties.